The Samsung S3 Galaxy, as we all know by unofficial, will be launched Friday, May 3. Although it has not got any official communication from the company, there is no doubt that the new device will be presented in just over a week and a further confirmation comes from an app for Android .
The app that is downloadable from Google, we refer to this page Play. The name "Samsung Mobile unpacked 2012" is quite explicit: through its use may be updated, the second, much anticipated event on the latest news and more generally, on new products.
In the description of the application appears immediately following sentence:
"Samsung Mobile s3 unpack unpacked galaxy SAMSUNG MOBILE SAMSUNG MOBILE unpacked unpacked About the Application"
As can be seen, the reference to the Samsungs Galaxy S3 is immadiato and direct. Another clue appears in the tags that describe the key terms for research application. Here they are:
"Samsung, mobile, unpacked, galaxy, s3, unpack, SAMSUNG MOBILE, unpacked, Samsung, Galaxy, Unpacked, Mobile, galaxyS3"
In short, the presence of this product, Google officially in play, leaves no doubt. Really the Samsung Galaxy S3 will be presented Friday, May 3.
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